Oliver’s musical training began in church music, singing as a chorister at Sheffield Cathedral, where he also became organ scholar. Whilst reading Philosophy at Trinity Hall, Oliver held an organ scholarship, studying with David Sanger, Andrew Arthur, and attending masterclasses by David Briggs, Peter Hurford and Nigel Allcoat. 

After a year as organist and music tutor at Christ’s College in Christchurch New Zealand, Oliver held the post of Countertenor Layvicar at Lichfield Cathedral, and has worked as a professional singer at Guilford Cathedral since 2012. Alongside this Oliver is a singing teacher and accompanist at schools in Surrey and Hampshire. Oilver’s interests range from renaissance polyphony through to 20th century repertoire, particularly Messiaen. Oliver also has a deep interest in jazz, having participated in workshops with Barry Harris and Bob Mover. 

Outside of music Oliver is interested in fine art processes, film, history and beer.